Easy Enrichment Ideas: Thinking Outside The Green Gelatin Box: June 2006

Easy Enrichment Ideas: Thinking Outside The Green Gelatin Box

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Walk To Zion program

A great idea from Beverly Qualheim:
A few weeks ago while I was walking with a friend, she told me of a program they once did in their ward to get the sisters walking.I loved the sounds of it and would like to start something similar onthis list since this year marks the 150th anniversary of the Handcartcompanies crossing the plains to get to 'Zion'. They called it 'WALK TO ZION' and they literally walked near theirhomes or in their homes, the equivalent of how many miles the handcartcompanies walked, keeping track of their personal miles.

I looked up some info on the Mormon Handcart companies and found thefollowing stats:"Across Iowa they followed an existing road about 275 miles (443 km)to Council Bluffs following a route that is close to current U.S.Route 6. After crossing the Missouri River, they paused for a few daysat a Mormon outpost in Florence, Nebraska (modern-day Omaha) forrepairs, before beginning the remaining 1,030-mile (1,658 km) journeyalong the Mormon Trail to Salt Lake City."So they walked 1305 miles total.That's a lot of miles!

I figure we can choose from 2 goals...
1) 'walk from Iowa' = 1305 miles'
2) 'walk from Florence Nebraska' = 1,030 miles

We are blessed, we can walk it at our leisure in better weatherconditions, we can go home after each walk, we can walk with goodclothing, sturdy shoes, water, food, A/C if we have a treadmill...We also have no time constraints like the pioneers did-- they had tomake it to SLC before the winter cold weathers set in. And yes, weare starting out even later than the Martin and Willie Handcartcompanies. They were the worst off of all the handcart companies. Many died along the way, from all the companies. We are not going todie... we are going to take better care of these wonderful bodies wehave been given.

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